Saturday, September 1, 2012

You should do PR

You should do PR.
One of the most interesting things i have heard.
Oh, there are myriad 'everyday' thoughts as to what one in my field 'should' do, each a caricature of the others, all sales driven, be it direct or otherwise. You should Sell Cars. You should get into Real Estate. Have you ever worked in sales?
Well yes, clearly, but i do what i do out of enjoyment and passion, not because i didn't go to college.
i got stellar grades.
when i actually showed up to class, i would estimate, conservatively i believe, that i with ease and nonchalance maintained a 3.7+ GPA. Nope that isn't a typo. i'm indeed quite smart. The thing is, i really love what i do. i can move around, travel, follow the seasons and go anywhere in the world and i will have a job. There is hospitality virtually everywhere.
But here, it is different. Servers are seldom revered and often they are dismissed, and even looked down on - though that is not often the case. Here, we are driven by sales. Because the Industry is dependent on Tips, the Industry is driven by sales. Simple math tells you that more sales = more tips.

But what if it is more than that. What if, as a chef can adore and lavish his being into the quality of his craft, i imbue my service, YOUR experience, with a desire for artistic quality and style?!?

forget the sales.
forget for a minute the tips.
there are more than a few of us who take this seriously.
remember that. we aren't all community college students and MFA's.
some of us are NOT out-of-work-actors-and-actresses.
some of us just like to be around a dynamic environment and we love food/wine/booze/people.


  1. I'm sure the people who really know you know how smart you are. When we were growing up it was pretty obvious you were are smart kid.

    I think we all are selling SOMETHING.

  2. That is what I'm talking about Jonah! Thank god some people have this mindset. What if money didn't exist? You my friend, would be the same server giving excellent experiences to us. As always, you are in perfect place and I love you mind.
