Tuesday, December 27, 2011

social poetry defined


   [soh-shuhl] Show IPA
1. pertaining to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations: a social club.
2. seeking or enjoying the companionship of others; friendly;sociable; gregarious.
3. of, pertaining to, connected with, or suited to polite or fashionable society: a social event.
4. living or disposed to live in companionship with others or in a community, rather than in isolation: People are social beings.
5. of or pertaining to human society, especially as a body divided into classes according to status: social rank.


   [poh-i-tree] Show IPA
1. the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by   beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts.
2. literary work in metrical form; verse.
3. prose with poetic  qualities.
4. poetic  qualities however manifested: the poetry of simple acts and things.
5. poetic  spirit or feeling: The pianist played the prelude with poetry.

there are a lot of ways that one could choose to put these two together. i do it like this - actions and intentions given to a dispersing of consciousness expansion, uplifting happiness and growth through the sharing of gratitude, joy and love.
that is social poetry; and much as with literary poetry, it is a difficult, if fun, entity to attempt to narrow down.
so i will do the opposite. i will expand it, because that is at the center of it all, is it not? growth. uplifting. expansion.
from running a hostel, to writing poetry, to running a nonprofit, to working with the music community, we find that we and those around us can usher our social poetry into existence in a myriad of different mediums and methods.
“...but i know we can’t all stay here forever, so i'm gonna write my words on the face of today...”
shannon hoon said those words in a well known blind melon song, 'Change', and they ring true just as much now as ever they might have.
are we writing our words on the face of today?!?
first we step up with occupy, then we step back as we allow rick perry and herman cain to dominate headlines, and congress to pass the NDAA...we are pouring our civil liberties and our basic rights out into the abyss of virtual disposal...what many of us are forgetting is that once we give these rights and liberties away, history has proven repeatedly that they are next to impossible to regain without a major upheaval.
maybe its what we need.
we are raping the land with corn, a crop that is carbon negative to such a degree as to be unconsionably detrimental, while it is next to impossible to get INDUSTRIAL hemp claused into legislature for commercial usage; despite hemps versatility, sustainability and carbon neutral potential, as well as its many health benefits and textile uses which are considerably more environmentally conscious that their alternatives, i.e., replacing wood and forest cutting to make paper, utilization in paints and other liquid textiles, fiber for rope and clothing fabrics, as well as the benefits of hemp oil and the broad array of nutritional properties of the plant and its seeds.
although there are ample technologies and materials available to expand solar energy and wind energy to mass continental levels, and electric and hydrogen batteries are currently already viable options, the petroleum industry continues to thwart attempts at ‘going planet green’
oil men have KNOWN for years we were headed in this direction.
they are ringing every last gasp of pennies from us in order to extract whatever income they can before making the big jump and leaving the training pants behind.
when we as a society take the jump to global green, to symbiosis with gaia and mother earth, we will be taking a step towards happiness, towards god, towards grace.
this is our social poetry...so, tell me what is your poetic license????

1 comment:

  1. Many movements are made towards an analysis on your purposal to solve these environmental ills. Congress on the other hand can't respond effectively. Our nation is built on a foundation that hardly any of us could believe would work given our liberative nature , and its counterintuitive. Why can't we work towards a green peace movement, why?? Are we a nation of cowards? Who are the real teachers that have our childrens ears and control their future plans? How can we educate at such a low level in elementary but educate so highly in higher institutions. Our nation is a nation of leaders. If the proletariat wanted an uprising , what would that say to our power laden government? Its not the right message , but we do need to take back power and educate on issues that will matter. Ted talks should be a staple in households, not cable. Compost a must for growing, not fancy soaps to smell. Hypocrycy should be noted when seen but should be moved to truth and knowing the connnection you hold towards your existence as united human beings. Turn off the tele, turn on the mind, and don't listen to the bs that makes your opinion shut down. Listen to those that feed your blossom. Live freely, and do not leave a single stone uncovered
