Wednesday, January 25, 2012

#1 emma

this is emma's work.
stellar sunset. caught it just right from the balcony.
i've seen this view.
its amazeballs. :)
oh and there is a pool too. ha. jealousy has set in.

emma is the first subject of my profiling series, social poets in motion

how does each poet take their license? how does each express themselves with beauty?
emma hefti is a girl. a very interesting girl. our friendship began over chinese food and vulgarity. and against your better judgement you must take on faith that it was not ME(i know it should be 'I', shut up) who was near feigning tourettes syndrome and shouting profanity, nor i, belittling my date into squeamish silence. it was glorious. it was hilarious. it was emma. my dearest emma. small - for petite is much too drab a word - and blonde! she is an avid photographer and a model, but no longer aspiring. she has spent the last few months in capetown, south africa(SA) working as a model on several projects - broadening her horizons.
i must tell you all, emma is a bit shy. she'll hate me. emma is a walking heart of gold. a part time nanny and full time friend, she is the kind of person who brings her poetry with her in her own unique style and perspective. it is in her ability to laugh at herself and most situations and people in a manner that makes the world smile that i find the continuing joy that is Emma Hefti.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

paradigm shifts

they're all the new rage
from the mayan calendar and 2012
to the age of aquarius
to the year of the black water dragon
to the green revolution
we are up to our ears in how the world is going to change
but what everyone keeps forgetting is that the world doesnt changed. the world adapts. to our change. if we dont change the world just keeps going and eventually it will adapt us out of existence. WE have to change, and grow and EVOLVE. that is the word of the moment. not the year, or the times, or the day. NOW, right this second. cops are arresting bystanders for pointing out their indiscretions. its illegal to smoke a plant. people still cant marry their lifepartners bc a dogmatic sect that happens to pervade our culture is scared to death of anything not outlined in their little book of bedtime stories. and here we are worried about how the 'world' is going to change.
when are we going to stand up and shout for OURSELVES to change.
in our country we are experiencing all time lows in primary and secondary education levels of achievement, we are at an all time HIGH for cost of post-secondary - see 'college', if some of it can be called that - and yet you cannot even acquire many entry level jobs without selling your soul to the Lowest bidder in an auction that is subsidized by the federal government. here we are scraping to send our kids to college and by the time they are done, many have the equivalent of an upside down mortgage, with a capsized lifeboat for an education and a choice - or not - of jobs that wouldnt get them out of debt - just for their education - if they worked at it full time for 15 years.
what are we supposed to do with this?!?!?!? huh? please explain to me how indebting our children, indenturing our future, and incapacitating our education system is furthering our evolution.

this 'shift' is coming from the wrong direction. this shift is spoken of in the wrong terms. this shift is a mirage.

the paradigm we need to change is US. our entire social structure. i could reference any politician, or yogi, or economic guru, or techie geek and they would all tell you that changes are happening, that we are on the verge of this or that revolution, but the STATUS QUO isnt changing. we still have massive poverty, massive inequality, massive intolerance and not a fucking thing that leads me to believe anyone wants to change it.

if there is a god, he hates us all. he thinks us weak. he wonders what the fuck he was thinking wasting his time on such a worthless bunch of maggots. ok that may be a bit harsh, but come on guys.
we are spiritual beings having a human experience, and yet the vast majority of us have become so enthralled by the consumerist lifestyle, by the elitist rants, by the marketing schemes, that all we want is to rot away deciding if we have 'problems' that maybe the 'situation' would know how to handle. WTF people. how are two douche bags from jersey on a show about a place they arent even from making millions because the lot of us condone their ineptitude at life; while pining over every little action they take and foaming at the mouth wishing we could have their lives? riddle me this batman. explain to me why we all want to know more about some 'real housewives' than the things our own kids are doing in school. why are we parked in front of a tv instead of questioning why there are not at LEAST 3 days a week of school chock full of afternoon activities for our kids, or new plays for them to be involved in, or some new community program that maybe you could start if you would get off you pathetic ass and stop watching American Fucking Idol.

stop living vicariously through the 1%. start embracing the gift you have called a life. start remembering that you woke up breathing and that is the greatest opportunity you will ever have to make a difference. start acting like each breath is a blessing. show #GRATITUDE to the universe that the sun hasnt exploded taking the whole stinking lot of wastes of space that we are and engulfed us in a solar flare.

paradigm shifts.
they are replacing 'green' as the new black

Friday, January 6, 2012

the bright side of darkness

on the subway, im there alot
it takes up tons of time when you live here. what a strange place here is. this city. new york. NEW YORK.
it will eat you alive and spit you out and dare you to cry.
ok, so, on the subway, this guy comes on.
usual "i'm with the homeless sandwich guys, we feed hungry people". and he was. he had the sandwiches - ok, listen nyc is full of con artists, but these guys are the FEW who actually seem to do what they say

(besides those kids who straight up tell you, ' im sellin this candy so i got some loot and i aint stealin your kids lunch money' on the L train all the time in bushwick)

so anyways, ive seen these guys give away free sandwiches many times, and so i walk to give him some change after everyone ignores him.....a few people even mumble when i get up...and then this strange thing happens, he smiles and almost cries, cuz he is trying so hard, and the next thing you know several folks are handing it over...just a bit...and he speaks to 2 OBVIOUSLY socially challenged individuals on the train...hands them sandwiches, other food, and people start breaking out the bills......

it was a good moment. it just spoke to me. like the darkness of the LA backstreets so enamored bukowski, the moments of the humanity in this city of chaos have made me smile.
it feels good to feel, to know im alive

addition - 12/13/12

as the weeks and months have moved on to be a year and more, it strikes me that i am still walking around within this same feeling of revelry, of wonder....i am not scared of here, i am intriguided by here...this city, this new york is such a force, it has such an epic energy that just pulls you in.
and there is a depth of humanity here that is surprising


Ode to the Headband - Or dont be a tool with that sweatband on while you're working

are just not

i dont
understand how people,
with any
at all
could even wanna talk to

you're such
douche -
a capital BAG

oh and that
stupid silly ass
that head-band
with the

just not!!!
and that silly little
you do
that pretends its
before you call some
nice girl a pig...
slept with her

Yeah that makes you
so much, as so im sure

you can
use what small
have(or dont)
figure out what i'm